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Home » City of Fernie presents 2023 George S Majic Spiritus Award

Posted: December 22, 2023

City of Fernie presents 2023 George S Majic Spiritus Award

The City of Fernie is excited to announce the recipient of the 2023 George S Majic Spiritus Award is Samantha Sedlowsky (pictured middle).

Samantha exemplifies the spirit of giving and has shown unwavering commitment to our community, donating hundreds of hours to local causes and organizations.

Since 2006, the city has presented the George S Majic Spiritus Award to an individual(s) who exemplify the spirit of giving without any desire for recognition or reward. These individual(s) are Fernie’s unsung heroes, those who have demonstrated outstanding characteristics of community commitment and through their contributions they have enhanced and enriched our community as a whole.

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City of Fernie

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