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Home » City seeks public input to fire hall project

Posted: August 2, 2023

City seeks public input to fire hall project

The City of Fernie is kicking off the pre-planning phase for the Fire Hall Replacement Project.

In early 2022, the former Fire Hall on 3rd Avenue was decommissioned due to significant issues with the facility structure and function, and the inability of the site and structure to meet current requirements for a fire hall.

From 1979 to 2022, Fernie Fire and Emergency Services department operated out of the fire hall located at 692 3rd Ave. The building, originally designed in 1970 as an automotive service garage, was decommissioned due to significant issues with the facility structure and function and the inability of the site and structure to meet current requirements for a fire hall, the city outlined on a project page.

The fire department has been temporarily relocated to operate out of the city’s old Public Works office, adjacent to the Operations Facility at 1492b Railway Ave.

A leased ATCO trailer is onsite to house turnout gear, and the Operations Facility is utilized for fleet storage. As such, the City of Fernie is now looking to select or procure a site for a new fire hall and is considering partnership with other users – public or private, if they are found to be suitable.

Key components of this phase of the Fire Hall Replacement Project are determining an appropriate site for the new Fire Hall and identifying any partnership opportunities.

There are early opportunities for you to consider getting involved:

The city has issued a Request for Expression of Interest to explore any opportunities for facility co-use partnerships or potential private sites for consideration.

It is also forming a Community Working Group and is looking to bring together diverse community voices to help inform the project team throughout the Fire Hall Replacement Project.

How to get involved

Volunteer to be a part of the Community Working Group (CWG) that is being formed to provide guidance to the city’s Project Team. They are looking for diverse community voices to form this group, check out the Volunteer Opportunity on the city’s website to see if you would be a good fit. The deadline to submit your letter of interest is August 11.

There will also be a public open house this autumn with more details to come.

Lead image: The fire lantern still hangs at the old Fernie Fire Hall.  e-KNOW file photo


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