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Home » EVlution directive moves forward with Fernie’s approval

Posted: September 30, 2024

EVlution directive moves forward with Fernie’s approval

By Erin Knutson

At a recent council meeting, the City of Fernie agreed to move forward with a letter supporting a lease and service agreement with the company EVlution’s application for funding to create an efficient EV charging station at the Fernie Skate Park.

According to Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Michael Boronowski’s report to Mayor Nic Milligan and the council, the station could include a solar power installation. This initiative supports a greener future in Fernie and capitalizes on National Resources Canada’s Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program(ZEVIP).

2024-09-10 RFD ZEVIP Application

“This funding stream is part of the Electrify Kootenays initiative, federally funded, and would allow EVlution to recover 50 % of costs for design and development of the project,” he said.

Boronowski emphasized that a motion to support this initiative would demonstrate the city’s commitment to its environmental objectives outlined in the Official Community Plan (OCP) and make Fernie part of the municipalities dedicated to sustainability.

“Staff believe the direction to advance this initiative at this time supports Council’s Climate Policy goal of integrating a climate lens in the delivery of services by integrating zero-emission infrastructure, and potentially solar power generation, at a popular location near Historic Downtown Fernie,” he said.

Councillor Harsh Ramadass moved the item, which Councillor Ted Shoesmith seconded. The motion to support EVlution’s application for ZEVIP was passed unanimously by Fernie council members.

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