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Posted: May 5, 2022

Fernie Arts taps Arts Infrastructure Program

Eighty-four arts and cultural organizations in the province are receiving pieces of $4 million in grants through the BC Arts Council’s Arts Infrastructure Program, including the Fernie and District Arts Council, which is receiving $25,000.

The Arts Infrastructure Program provides grants to arts and cultural organizations to develop and enhance spaces that support B.C.’s arts and cultural practitioners. Eligible activities include planning and consultation as well as capital improvements, such as improving safety features, increasing accessibility or buying specialized equipment.

“The Arts Infrastructure Program is one of the many ways our government is setting up long-term success for people in B.C.’s arts community, while fostering greater diversity, inclusion and equity,” said Bob D’Eith, Parliamentary Secretary for Arts and Film. “These game-changing grants are enabling arts and culture organizations to plan for future projects, invest in new spaces and make necessary improvements to their facilities so artists can thrive and are empowered to contribute to B.C.’s strong and dynamic arts and culture sector.”

“The Arts Infrastructure Program provides access to financial assistance to support enhancements and necessary modifications to B.C. arts and cultural spaces,” said Sae-Hoon Stan Chung, chair, BC Arts Council. “Through this program, we are addressing a fundamental need in B.C.’s arts community. This funding is vital to building and maintaining a thriving arts and culture sector in British Columbia.”

Aligned with the BC Arts Council’s commitment to increase equity and diversity in its funding, 50% of grants were distributed to organizations from rural or remote communities or those led by or rooted in Indigenous and equity-deserving communities.

Established in 2020, the Arts Infrastructure Program was introduced with a base budget of $2 million. To meet demand, the province committed an additional $2 million in one-time funding, which doubled available grants to $4 million in 2021. This increase supported 97 projects in the first round of funding that was distributed in fall 2021.

To date, 191 arts organizations have received grants through the Arts Infrastructure Program.


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