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Posted: July 26, 2018

Fernie Council Connection

The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the July 23 City of Fernie council meeting.


INFORMAL PUBLIC HEARING FOR DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION DVPA‐406  Council held an Informal Public Hearing for Development Variance Permit Application DVPA‐406 and authorized the issuance of a development variance permit to vary several standards in the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1727 for the proposed Montane Stage 4 subdivision. Variances include:

Piedmont Drive Only

Increase right of way from 20.0m to 22.4m.

Piedmont Drive and Yirri Avenue

  • Reduce asphalt width from 11.0m to 7.0m;
  • Replace the required attached concrete sidewalk with a detached asphalt walkway;
  • Replace storm sewer system with exposed enhanced swale;
  • Change slope of road from crowned to cross‐fall;
  • Inclusion of perforated subsurface groundwater collection system;
  • Change the style of street light.


ANNUAL MUNICIPAL REPORT  Council received the 2017 report and opened the meeting to receive comments from the public. The Annual Municipal Report promotes a greater understanding of municipal responsibilities and includes a summary of Community Priorities, Corporate Vision, Council roles and responsibilities, Organizational Structure and a brief review of the key functional areas for each department. It provides a progress report on the past year’s objectives and lays out the strategic goals and objectives for 2018 and 2019. The report includes the 2017 Audited Financial Statements, Permissive Tax Exemptions and a list of Grants and Partnering Agreements.

GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AWARD  Council awarded the three‐year contract for General Municipal Engineering & Consulting Services for the period September 1, 2018 to September 1, 2021 to ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd (ISL).

DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. DVPA 421  Council approved the application of DVPA 421 and will consider a Development Variance Permit to vary the bare land strata siting setbacks for the exterior property lines of a proposed bare land strata subdivision.

STRATIFICATION OF A PREVIOUSLY OCCUPIED BUILDING  Council approved the proposed strata conversion of a previously occupied building into four strata titled lots subject to meeting conditions outlined by the Planning Department.


FERNIE TRAILS ALLIANCE  Council authorized the submission of an application in partnership with the Fernie Trails Alliance to the BC Rural Dividend Program for a grant to fund the Fernie Valley Pathway 2020 Project, Alignment Validation and Preliminary Design.


ZONING BYLAW NO. 1750, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 2359, 2018  Council accepted the application to amend Bylaw No. 1750 and provided first and second readings to Bylaw No. 2359, 2018. The amendment proposes to modify the definition of ‘motel’ to include the ability to use the built form of park model recreational vehicles as accommodation units that are part of a motel.

ZONING BYLAW NO. 1750, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 2360, 2018  Council accepted the application to amend Bylaw No. 1750 and provided first and second readings to Bylaw No. 2360, 2018. The amendment proposes to rezone two properties from R1 to R1B to legalize two existing secondary dwelling units.

STREETS & TRAFFIC BYLAW NO. 1400, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 2361, 2018  Council adopted Bylaw No. 2361, 2018. This bylaw updates terminology used in Bylaw No. 1400 and provides clear direction for the seizure and or sale of abandoned unlicensed vehicles.


Monday, August 27 – Committee-of-the-Whole at 10 a.m. and the Regular meeting of Council at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Monday, September 24 – Committee-of-the-Whole at 10 a.m. and the Regular meeting of Council at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers.

City of Fernie

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