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Home » Fernie hosting AKBLG Convention April 18-20

Posted: February 19, 2018

Fernie hosting AKBLG Convention April 18-20

The City of Fernie is excited to be hosting the 2018 Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Government (AKBLG) Convention and AGM April 18 to 20.

This year’s convention theme centres on ‘Emergency Preparedness.’ Are you prepared? Can you afford not to be?

The AKBLG is the local government association that represents the municipalities and electoral areas of the southeastern portion of British Columbia.  The area includes Regional Districts of Kootenay Boundary, Central and East Kootenay as well the Town of Golden and the Village of Valemount.

Approximately 150 delegates will gather to discuss the highly relevant topic of ‘Emergency Preparedness.’ Depending on the season many communities are faced with numerous issues that range from flooding, drought, wildfire, and avalanches.

“After the busy fire season of 2017 that plagued most of B.C., we feel this is the opportune time to address some of these issues,” said Sheryl Zral, Convention Coordinator.

The convention sessions will be held at the Fernie Community Centre and the Park Place Lodge. The list of presenters for the convention will provide a high level of expertise, and experience as it relates to emergency issues that face communities across the Kootenays.

“The format we are planning is for a combination of both stand-alone sessions and panel discussions that will allow for good interaction with the audience,” said Zral.

“We hope to learn from one another’s experiences and leave the convention with new information and tools to help move our communities forward. It’s not important until it is!” she said.

There are pre and post conference sessions being planned, as well:

Tuesday, April 17 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Interior Health Association – Drinking Water Workshop  – Park Place Lodge.

Friday, April 20 – 1:30 – 4 p.m. –  BC Municipal Climate leadership Council. Onsite after the AKBLG Convention – Park Place Lodge.

Lead image: A waterbomber is dwarfed by a smoke cloud during last summer’s wildfire outbreak in the region. Chad St. Pierre Photography image


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