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Posted: June 15, 2021

Fernie Pride Society seeks input from valley

Launches Survey for LGBTQ2+ Community, Employers and Allies 

The Fernie Pride Society is seeking input from workers and residents in the Elk Valley as part of its efforts to build diversity and inclusion; particularly for those who identify as LGBTQ2+ or who may be questioning their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Input is being collected through a confidential online survey open to everyone, including allies such as employers, family members, friends, coworkers, educators, and healthcare professionals.

June is Pride month. It is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ2+ community and the hard work of those who have fought for equal rights and inclusion for all.

The survey results will be used to identify barriers to diversity and inclusion in the Elk Valley and determine potential remedies for employers and other organizations. It will also provide input into the Fernie Pride Society’s future programming efforts.

The study is being led by local research and consulting firm Capasiti Consulting Inc., as part of a larger federally-funded capacity-building project they are undertaking with the Pride Society. Utilizing a professional research firm ensures that responses remain anonymous and confidential. Only aggregated responses will be shared with the Pride Society.

In order to compile a complete picture of the LGBTQ2+ experience and reality in the Elk Valley, people are asked to encourage family, friends, and colleagues to also complete the survey.

The survey can be found at

Fernie Pride Society

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