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Home » Fernie SAR keeping busy

Posted: January 4, 2018

Fernie SAR keeping busy

Over the past couple of weeks, Fernie Search and Rescue (SAR) has responded to a couple of situations involving winter recreationalists.

The first, on the evening of December 20, involved a lone cross-country skier who became disoriented and lost on the trail network below Fernie Alpine Resort. He was quickly found, cold but unharmed, by two SAR technicians and returned to his vehicle.

Most recently, Search and Rescue was tasked by the RCMP on December 31 to locate three missing snowboarders who had ventured into Fish Bowl.

“They were not prepared for the very deep powder and the impact this had on their ability to safely return to the resort. They also had no avalanche rescue equipment, no clothing appropriate for the -25c weather and no equipment enabling them to move through deep snow. With limited available daylight, a small team of avalanche/long line rescue technicians in a helicopter were able to find the snowboarders just as they had managed to find their way back to the North boundary of the resort,” Fernie SAR reported on its Facebook page.

Fernie Ski Patrol transported the three on snowmobile to the base area where they were assessed medically.

While both noted incidents ended well, it could easily have been a far different outcome, Fernie SAR points out.

Fernie Search and Rescue would like to remind backcountry recreationists of a few simple steps that will increase safety and reduce the need for call-outs:

  1. Have you left a trip plan with someone that includes your expected return time?
    2. Do you have a map or navigation device to aid in route finding?
    3. When recreating in the many alpine bowls and slopes in and around Fernie, are you and your companions prepared in the event something goes wrong?
    4. When travelling in avalanche terrain, do you have the gear (shovel, probe, transceiver at a minimum) and know how to use it?
    5. Have you taken into account the current and expected weather conditions?
    6. What will you use if you need to spend the night outdoors?

In the event of the need to initiate a Search and Rescue call-out please remember to dial 911, ask for the RCMP and state that it is a backcountry emergency.

Fernie Search and Rescue is available and willing to help people in distress 24/7 365 days a year and reminds everyone that there is no charge to those rescued for its services.

Lead image from Fernie SAR


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