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Home » Fernie supports substance and drug law observation period

Posted: May 5, 2023

Fernie supports substance and drug law observation period

By Erin Knutson

Municipalities in the Interior Health region have begun an observation period to see how the current exemption to the Controlled Drug and Substances Act in British Columbia by Health Canada will be governed by its communities.

According to the Interior Health Medical Officers (IHMO), who reached out to areas across the Interior, including the City of Fernie, in a recent letter to city staff and council, specifying the merit of decriminalizing small amounts of specific substances allowing individuals to carry on their person a legal portion promoting safety and reducing harm to the individual and the community.

“Decriminalization is an evidence-based strategy to reduce the harms currently associated with using substances,” said the IHMO.

The City of Fernie discussed the opportunity of a six-month observation period for municipalities laid out by the medical officers to determine what new bylaws should be considered, modified or otherwise based on the behaviour that manifests during this time.

“I think a lot of municipalities are having challenges by decriminalizing these substances, and it’s good to see that it’s being addressed,” said Councillor Kevin McIsaac.

According to his comments, community challenges are being met, and some regions are navigating better than others.

“This six-month period is promising and speaks to the fact that some time goes by before we understand the implications,” he said.

The councillor also suggested it would allow districts to address it at the 2023 Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Convention coming up in September.

Mayor Nic Milligan supported the letter and the observation timeframe.

“I fully agree that we should wait six months and see how these changes affect the community – I thought the letter was great.”

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