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Home » Peace Pole dedication Sept. 21 in Fernie

Posted: September 12, 2024

Peace Pole dedication Sept. 21 in Fernie

The Rotary Club of Fernie is honoured to announce the dedication of a new Peace Pole at Rotary Park, celebrating the International Day of Peace.

The dedication ceremony will take place on September 21, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The Rotary Peace Pole, inscribed with messages of peace in eight languages, will be formally unveiled.

The public is invited to join Rotary Club members, and community leaders to learn about the significance of the Peace Pole and its impact on promoting peace.

The Peace Pole dedication coincides with the International Day of Peace, a global observance dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace.

This event offers a unique opportunity for the community to unite in reflecting on and promoting the values of peace and harmony.

Lead image: A look at a section of Fernie’s Rotary Park.  e-KNOW file photo

Rotary Club of Fernie

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