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Home » Proposed Galloway Lands public hearing dates set

Posted: April 15, 2023

Proposed Galloway Lands public hearing dates set

A public hearing has been scheduled regarding an application to permit residential development on private property known as the Galloway Lands adjacent to Fernie Alpine Resort.

“We recognize there has been a great deal of community interest in this proposal on all sides. That is one of the key reasons members of the Board supported going to public hearing. This is the formal opportunity for us to hear directly and on the record from residents and is a critical piece of the bylaw amendment process,” explained Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board Chair Rob Gay.

The public hearing will be held over the course of two nights with an in-person hearing at 7 p.m. on May 3 in Fernie and a second hearing scheduled via Zoom at 7 p.m. on May 4. A livestream of the Zoom portion on May 4 will be available for all interested parties.

Those interested in attending only need to attend one day of the hearing. Details on the public hearings and process to be added to a speaker’s list can be found on the RDEK’s website early next week.

“Anyone with questions about the bylaws should contact the RDEK planning technician prior to the public hearing as there will not be a Q&A period prior to the public hearing. We encourage anyone interested in attending to thoroughly read the public hearing notice and be familiar with how the processes for participating as a speaker will work,” added Gay.

Those wishing to provide written submissions must have them submitted to the RDEK by 4:30 p.m. on May 1.

The RDEK board gave first reading to the bylaw amendments by an 11-4 margin April 14 and authorized a public hearing. First reading is required to take a bylaw forward to public hearing.

While the developer had previously submitted an application last year, it was withdrawn in May 2022. The application currently before the board represents a new application for the subject properties.


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