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Home » Slide repairs to close Aquatic Centre

Posted: August 31, 2023

Slide repairs to close Aquatic Centre

The Fernie Aquatic Centre will be closed from September 5 to 7 for slide repairs.

To reduce the impact on public programming and accommodate contactor availability, the repairs to the slide tower have been taking place in stages.

During the annual shutdown in July, contractors worked on the fabrication of the steel structure for the new platform.

During the upcoming closure, it is anticipated that the steel structure will be completed, installed, and inspected by a structural engineer.

Once the inspection is complete, the contractors will move forward with the final steps of this project. Which includes re-attaching the top portion of the slide, pouring the concrete for the platform, painting, and finally buffing and polishing. It is anticipated that some of these final steps will be completed while the facility is operational to further reduce the impact on programming.

The city would like to extend appreciation for the patience and understanding demonstrated by the community during the extended slide closure, and we look forward to reopening the slide.

e-KNOW file photo

City of Fernie

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