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Home » Street Sweeping Program underway in Fernie

Posted: March 29, 2024

Street Sweeping Program underway in Fernie

City of Fernie street sweepers have been out completing their first pass to remove bulk sand from priority winter routes.

Over the coming weeks, crews will begin the annual comprehensive street sweeping program and work through each neighbourhood. This will be followed by a final touch-up sweeping pass in late spring.

Residents out doing their own spring cleaning of boulevards can gather winter sand and place it at the curb for pick up by the sweeper.

For collection, sand must be evenly distributed at the road-side, large piles of sand or piles containing mixed materials that could clog the sweeper will be bypassed.

Please refrain from distributing sand onto a swept road and avoid putting winter sand in catch basins as this can lead to serious drainage issues.

A neighboruhood sweeping schedule will be available soon at city hall.

City of Fernie file photo

City of Fernie

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