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Posted: June 26, 2019

Locals appointed to mining safety committee

Representatives of Indigenous communities, labour and industry are undertaking a comprehensive review of British Columbia’s Health, Safety and Reclamation Code to ensure B.C. has strong protections for health, safety and environment at mine sites.

Following a recommendation from the Mining Jobs Task Force earlier this year, the government has created a Standing Code Review Committee to ensure that mining continues to be one of the safest heavy industries in British Columbia and that provincial regulations remain current and respond to the rapid pace of change in the industry.

“Our government’s number 1 priority for this foundational industry is safety – for workers, our environment and communities,” said Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. “We’ve invested $20 million over three years to hire more inspectors on the ground and create a new independent oversight unit. The Standing Code Review Committee will help ensure that provincial mining regulations remain effective, innovative and world leading.”

Recently, Mungall appointed 12 mining professionals to the Standing Code Review Committee, which will be chaired by Al Hoffman, executive director, code review. Each member is appointed to the committee for a three-year term.

Two Elk Valley residents, Ian Anderson and Dean Lott, are among the dozen person committee.

Ian Anderson, general manager, Fording River Coal, has extensive knowledge of the B.C. mining industry, which has been achieved through progressive roles within Teck. Anderson has experience with a wide range of industry stakeholders. He has more than 15 years of experience within the B.C. mining regulatory framework and is well versed in current mining technologies, occupational health, personal safety, mine design and exploration, as well as closure and reclamation.

And Dean Lott, staff representative, United Steel Workers, is a union staff representative serving USW members at the Fording River and Elkview Coal mines, as well as USW locals 480 and 9705 in Trail.

Lead image: Elkview Operations coal mine at Sparwood. e-KNOW file photo


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