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Home » South Country Firefighters demonstrate vehicle extrication

Posted: September 16, 2022

South Country Firefighters demonstrate vehicle extrication

Members of the Regional District of East Kootenay’s (RDEK) South Country Fire Departments successfully carried out a training exercise on vehicle extrication Thursday evening at the Baynes Lake Fire Hall.

“Having the opportunity for our departments to come together for an exercise like this not only builds teamwork but gives us a chance to continue to practice those skills,” said Elk Valley and South Country Rural Fire Services Chief Mike Hockley.

“It’s critical that we practice elements like using hydraulic rescue tools to remove doors and roofs, as well as manipulating dashboards to create space for extrication.”

The RDEK is actively recruiting firefighters for both regions, Elk Valley & South Country including Jaffray, Baynes Lake, Elko and Hosmer, as well as in the Columbia Valley, including Fairmont Hot Springs, Windermere, Edgewater and Panorama Mountain Resort.

Firefighters receive training and leadership development, medical first responder training, and provide vital services to their communities.

As paid on-call firefighters, they receive payment for attending incidents and training, and are eligible for extended benefits.

Contact your local fire department for details.

Lead image: Left to right back row; Chief Michael Hockley, Dawson Attwood, Lieutenant Shayne Webster, Steve Ebbern, Peter McDougall, Lainee Gleeson, Alias LaChance, Fred Feher, Battalion Chief Dale Hark, Luc Tierens, Viktor Mouchet. Left to right front row; Daniel Reay, Captain Dean Haarstad, Katie Haarstad, Bonnie Kari, Corlyn Haarstad (pink helmet, for reference), Assistant Deputy Chief Rachael Engelhardt, Jessica Chalmers. Not Pictured; Battalion Chief JP Bratton, Captain William Rayman, Captain Laurent Leonetti, Ron Ek, Cindy Lightburn, Dennis Lightburn, Aaron Wolff, Mike Keehn, Billy Woodford, Kelly Lyness, Captain Len Holmgren, Daigen Wilson, Cliff Mare, Alyssa Shaw, Dennis Wilkinson, Ilona Webster, Julie Holmgren, Joe McPhee, Lieutenant Marie Cosens, Andy Wight, John Todd.  RDEK photos


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