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AAP begins for outdoor sports facility lease
The District of Sparwood has issued a ‘Notice to the Electors’ about an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) for a proposed 10-year lease agreement with School District No. 5.
Under sections 86 (AAP) and 175 (Liabilities under Agreements) of the Community Charter, the District of Sparwood intends to enter into a 10-year lease agreement, at an annual rental rate of $10 plus tax, with School District No. 5 for the lands located at 1351 Ponderosa Drive for the development of a multi-purpose outdoor sports facility.
The lands to be included in the lease area are shown on the above map.
Council may proceed with adoption of the lease unless, by the deadline of 4 p.m. on Tuesday, August 15, at least 10% (305) of the electors of the District of Sparwood submit a completed and signed Elector Response Form to the Corporate Officer indicating that council must obtain assent of the electors by referendum vote before proceeding.
Elector Response Forms must be in the form established by council, and only those persons who qualify as electors within the municipality are entitled to sign Elector Response Forms.
Resident Elector – You are entitled to submit an Elector Response Form as a resident elector if you are age 18 or older on the day of submission, are a Canadian citizen, have lived in British Columbia for at least six months, and have been a resident of the District of Sparwood for the past 30 days or more.
Non-Resident Property Elector – You are entitled to submit an Elector Response Form as a non-resident property elector if you are age 18 or older on the day of submission, are a Canadian citizen, have lived in British Columbia for at least six months, and have owned property within the District of Sparwood for the past 30 days, and do not qualify as a resident elector. Only one Non-Resident Property Elector may submit an Elector Response Form per property, regardless of how many owners there may be.
A person may not sign more than one Elector Response Form (as either a Resident Elector or as a Non-Resident Property Elector) in relation to this Alternate Approval Process. The only persons entitled to sign an Elector Response Form are the electors of the District of Sparwood to which the approval process applies.
If less than 10% (305) of municipal electors submit an Elector Response Form, the 10-year lease with School District No. 5 will be deemed to have approval of the electors and the proposed lease may proceed to the August 21 regular meeting of council for consideration. For the purpose of conducting the alternate approval opportunity, the number of electors is calculated as 3,053.
Elector Response Forms are available on the district’s website and at the Municipal Office, located at 136 Spruce Avenue, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays, until Tuesday, August 15.
The only persons entitled to sign the forms are electors of the District of Sparwood.