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Home » District survey on recreational use and sale of cannabis

Posted: May 31, 2018

District survey on recreational use and sale of cannabis

We would like your input into the recreational use and sale of cannabis in the District of Sparwood as the proposed Cannabis Act (the “Act”) will become legal in the summer of 2018.

The Act has significant implications for land use regulation, business regulation and licensing, and the regulation of public consumption and personal cultivation of cannabis.

Only dried and fresh cannabis, cannabis oils, and seeds and plants for personal cultivation will be legal for purchase.

The federal government has stated that it will be regulating edibles within 12 months of legalization and the province will be establishing a compliance program which includes education, inspection, and enforcement components for cannabis retail stores.

In British Columbia, all non-medical cannabis products will be distributed through the provincial Liquor Distribution Branch. As with alcohol sales, this means that retail businesses will not be permitted to grow their own product or source it from a third-party.

Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. You may decline altogether or leave blank any questions you don’t wish to answer. The data from this research will be used for the purpose that it is collected, and no individuals will be identified within the data. Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous.

You can direct any questions you have regarding this research to me by email at [email protected] or you can call me 250-425-6271.

The information you provide will help council determine the extent to which the district will regulate the location of retail stores (including setting distance requirements between cannabis retail stores and schools, daycares and other land uses); personal cultivation; commercial production; consumption on municipal property and public places; and whether to impose security requirements and additional restrictions on the hours of operation.

If you are interested in learning more about the Act or cannabis sales or becoming a producer of cannabis, please visit the federal government’s Questions and Answers page.

Once the research is complete, a summary of the results will be available on the district’s website.

Click to participate in this survey.

District of Sparwood

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