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Home » Prestigious award for local BCBHA chair

Posted: May 7, 2018

Prestigious award for local BCBHA chair

Executives from the British Columbia (2014) and Alberta (2017) Back Country Hunters and Anglers were recently in attendance at the North American BHA Conference and Rendezvous, which was held in Boise, Idaho.

Eight awards were handed out to individuals, chapters, and corporations who were recognized for their outstanding work in promoting BHA values and conservation initiatives.

The chair of British Columbia Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Bill Hanlon of Sparwood was awarded the prestigious Aldo Leopold Award for exceptional work and dedication to conservation and backcountry values, especially the conservation of wildlife habitat. Hanlon has been involved in various conservation initiatives for over 30 years in the East Kootenay, and is also the chair of the Hornaday Wilderness Society, and was one of the dedicated volunteers to bring BHA to British Columbia and Canada.

BHA is a committed North American conservation organization fighting for wild public lands, water, and wildlife. This year the organization surpassed 20,000 members across North America and now has chapters in 39 states and two Canadian provinces with more jurisdictions cued to join their ranks in the future, including the Yukon.

Upcoming events for BCBHA will include hosting their third annual Boots on the Ground Habitat Enhancement work party at the Nature Trust of BC’s Sheep Mountain/Cutts property on Saturday, May 12 at 9 a.m. and on May 22 they will host a Pint Night at the Heidout Restaurant and Brewhouse on Baker Street in Cranbrook from 6-9 p.m.

Everyone in invited to attend.

Lead image: Land Tawney – President and CEO of BHA with Bill Hanlon – Provincial Chair – BCBHA. Photo submitted


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