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Posted: September 20, 2018

Sparwood Council Facts

The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the Sept. 17 District of Sparwood council meeting.


GNS Industrial Trailer Services

Josh Skoreyko and Adam Mandryk of GNS Industrial Trailer Services (GNS) made a presentation to council on a proposed temporary housing project to accommodate approximately 150-200 contract workers in the area over the next 24-36 months. GNS indicated that they have identified an area, 8000 Highway 43 just north of Rivercrest Cemetery, suitable for the project with a goal to have the lodge fully operating within four to five months.


Development Variance Permit

1353 Cypress Drive – Rear Yard Setback

Council authorized that notices be sent to the owners and occupants residing within 60m of 1353 Cypress Drive to advise them that council will be considering varying a section of the Zoning Bylaw at the October 1 regular meeting. If approved, the variance will reduce the rear yard setback from 7.62 metres to 4.0 metres to allow the owners to construct a deck.

If you live within the 6m radius and believe you will be affected by this variance, please share your comments with council. You will be provided an opportunity to be heard at the October 1 council meeting, or you may submit your comments in writing to the District of Sparwood before 10 a.m. on Monday, October 1.

Sparwood Well #4

Council awarded the contracts to Projex Infrastructure Ltd. of Langley, for the “Sparwood Well #4 Watermain” project for the price tendered at $3,648,504.20; and 898845 Alberta Ltd. (operating as Link Buildings) of Pincher Creek, AB for the “Sparwood Well #4 Pumphouse” project for the price tendered at $917,000.45.

Parent and Tot Fun Times Program

Council approved a request for funding from the Fernie Women’s Resource Centre for the Parent and Tot Fun Times Program for facility rental fees for the years 2018 to 2022. The Parent and Tot Fun Times Program has been providing a free opportunity for parents and their children ages up to five to gather, learn and interact since 2005.

122 Centennial Street

Council authorized that notice be posted of council’s intention to consider allocating $8,000 for reconfiguring and improving accessibility on the sidewalks with and abutting 122 Centennial Street. The Elk Valley Thrift Shop Society (the “Society”) has requested reconfiguration of District property at 122 Centennial Street to accommodate accessibility needs to their property. The Society has committed $3,000 towards this project.


Administrative Fees and Charges Bylaw

Administrative Fees and Charges Bylaw 1237, 2018 was adopted. This bylaw establishes a new fee for assessing applications to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation branch for a non-medical cannabis retail store or liquor store licence.

Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Zoning Bylaw No. 264, 1981, Amendment Bylaw 1234, 2018 was given second reading as amended and a public hearing was scheduled for October 1, at 1 p.m. The bylaw amendment proposes to regulate the (private) retail sale of cannabis in Sparwood within the C-1, C-3 and C-4 zones.

If you believe you will be affected by this amendment and wish to share comments with Council prior to their consideration, you may submit your comments in writing to the District of Sparwood before 10 a.m. on Oct.1.

Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw

Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw 1233, 2018 was given first reading. This bylaw proposes to:

  • remove any fine reductions for tickets paid within 30 days related to obstruction or safety matters,
  • include fines for non-compliance with the new Community Standards Bylaw,
  • and remove schedules for the bylaws that were replaced because of the new Community Standards Bylaw.
    Officers and Officials Bylaw Amendment

Officers and Officials Bylaw 1026, 2012, Amendment Bylaw 1238, 2018 was given three readings. This bylaw will amend some of the powers, duties, and functions of the Director of Corporate Services.


WildSafeBC photo

Pick Your Fruit Trees

It is time to pick the fruit off your fruit trees and clean-up all the windfalls as bears are starting to come into the community, as they are looking for easy food sources to bulk up before hibernation.

Keeping garbage stored indoors until collection day, cleaning up fruit trees and securing wildlife attractants is the best way to keep people safe and avoid unnecessary killing of bears that come into conflict with people.

Parking Regulations

Have you brought your motorhome, fifth-wheel or travel trailer in from the lake? Please take note of the following regulations which apply to where and how long your RV, motorhome, or travel trailer can be parked on municipal roadways:
• Cannot be parked on public roadways for the purposes of offering them for sale.
• Cannot be parked on the road for more than 24 hours in duration.
• Cannot be parked on a walkway or greenbelt area.
• Cannot be parked upon a portion of a highway or greenbelt so that they obstruct pedestrian traffic.

We’re asking you to butt in as we consider butting out

The district is considering Clean Air Bylaw 1229, 2018 which governs where tobacco and cannabis smoking and vaping will be allowed in Sparwood. The bylaw is intended to protect residents and visitors from second-hand smoke, help provide positive role modelling, provide motivation to quit smoking and create a positive environmental impact.

There are three ways YOU can share your views on smoking in public places with Council:

  1. Take our online survey at (poll closes on September 24,);
  2. Submit your thoughts to [email protected] before 10 a.m. on Monday, October 1; or
  3. Attend the October 1 regular council meeting at 1 p.m. in Council Chambers to provide your feedback.

Declaration of Candidates for the 2018 General Local Election

Kevin Allen, Chief Election Officer for the District of Sparwood, declared (Declaration of Candidates), pursuant to section 97 of the Local Government Act, the following persons as candidates in the 2018 General Local and School Election.

Candidates for the office of Mayor:

– Joyce Kutzner

– David Wilks

– Joanne Wilton

Candidates for the offices of Councillor:

Wendy Angus

John Baher

Hungry Baytaluke

Brad Bowen

Amy Cardozo

Jason Christensen

Josh Frere

Joe Jarina

Art Mortimer

Sonny Saad

Simon Senycz

Candidate for the office of School Trustee:

Bev Bellina, School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay), Trustee Electoral Area 2

An ‘All Candidates Forum’ hosted by the Sparwood Chamber of Commerce will be held on Tuesday, September 25 at 7 p.m. at the Curling Rink, 367 Pine Avenue.


  • Committee of the Whole Meeting in Council Chambers on Monday, September 24 at 7 p.m.
  • Regular Meeting in Council Chambers on Monday, October 1 at 1 p.m.

District of Sparwood

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