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Posted: May 10, 2019

Sparwood Council Facts

The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the May 7 District of Sparwood council meeting.


Youth Advisory Commission Bylaw Amendment

Youth Advisory Commission Bylaw No. 1191, 2016, Amendment Bylaw No. 1243, 2019 was given three readings. This amendment proposes to allow members to be reappointed for 2-year terms in perpetuity without having to reapply. Currently the members would have to reapply to be appointed to the Commission after three years. This bylaw will be brought forward at the June 4 regular meeting for consideration of adoption.

Municipal Ticket Information (MTI) Bylaw Amendment

MTI Bylaw No. 1233, 2018, Amendment Bylaw No. 1254, 2019 was given three readings. This amendment, if adopted, will provide for enforcement by municipal ticket for violations regulated under the Clean Air Bylaw and in relation to the operation of cannabis retail stores. This bylaw will be brought forward at the May 21 regular meeting for consideration of adoption.

Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Following the Public Hearing to receive input from the community, Council gave Zoning Bylaw No. 264, 1981, Amendment Bylaw No. 1252, 2019 third reading and referred it to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) for their approval. This amendment proposes to add ‘child care facility’ as a permitted use in the C-1 Commercial Zone. If approved by MOTI, the bylaw will be brought forward to a meeting of Council for consideration of adoption.


Development Variance Permits (DVPs)

DVP 2019-004 for 1241 Sycamore Road

Council approved issuance of DVP 2019-004 for 1241 Sycamore Road and granted the variance to section 3.4.2.C.(i) of Zoning Bylaw No. 264 to reduce the minimum side yard required for an accessory building from five feet to two feet to allow for the construction of a detached garage.

DVP 2019-005 for 440 Mountain Ash Crescent

Council approved issuance of DVP 2019-005 for 440 Mountain Ash Crescent and granted the variance to sections 3.2.2.C(i)and 3.2.2.H.(ii) of Zoning Bylaw No. 264 to decrease the minimum side yard requirement from five feet to three feet and increase the allowable height from 12 feet to 16 feet for an accessory building to allow for construction of a garage in the rear yard of the property.

Land Use Permit

Council approved the execution of a 20-year land use permit between the District of Sparwood and Sparwood Trails Alliance (STA) for the development and maintenance of a community trail network system around the Mountain Shadows Golf Course, at a fee of $10. The permit allows the STA to develop trails on public lands provided that they maintain: insurance coverage;  the trails, free of any hazards, for public use; and submit a trail plan for approval by the Director of Community and Facility Services.

Credit Card Policy

Council approved an amendment to the Credit Card Policy increasing the limit for corporate credit cards from $1,500 to $5,000 and allows their use for purchases in accordance with the District’s Purchasing Policy as well as municipal travel.


Executive Assistant

Council appointed Jenna Jensen as the Executive Assistant for Human Resources, Safety and Communications. Ms. Jensen will be commencing her employment with the District on May 13.

Senior’s Birthday Book

The District of Sparwood recognizes the contribution that seniors make to our community. Those Sparwood seniors who have, or will, reach the age of 75 years this year are invited to meet with members of council to sign the “Senior’s Birthday Book” and receive a lilac lapel pin (Sparwood’s flower) to commemorate the occasion.

Please notify the District of Sparwood Municipal Office by May 24 if you, or someone you know, has turned 75 years or will be turning 75 this year. We will then send an invitation to the recipient to attend the regular meeting of June 4. Family and friends are also encouraged to attend.

The “Senior’s Birthday Book” will be kept at the Municipal Office as part of our community’s heritage records. Please ensure that you or your loved one becomes part of Sparwood’s history.

For further information, please contact the District Office.


Regular Council Meeting in Council Chambers on Tuesday, May 21 at 6 p.m.

Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting in Council Chambers on Tuesday, May 28 at 6 p.m.

District of Sparwood

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