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Sparwood Council Facts
The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the April 20 District of Sparwood council meeting.
Riversdale Resources
Keith Bott and Alisdair Gibbons representing Riversdale Resources Ltd. presented an update on the Grassy Mountain Coal Project. The Project is located seven km north of Blairmore, Alta. and is projected to have peak production of 4.5 million tonnes of metallurgical coal over a proposed 24- year mine life. Currently, the Joint Review Panel is preparing its report to be submitted to the Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change for review. Pending a favourable regulatory decision, construction is expected to start in 2022.
Elk Valley Cumulative Effects Management
Carolyn Gibson and Cathy Conroy representing the Elk Valley Cumulative Effects Management Working Group presented an update on the road rehabilitation project in the Elk Valley to enhance wildlife and ecosystem health. The project has received funding to rehabilitate 26 km of deactivated roads in 2021. Restoring roads into key habitats improves outcomes for wildlife like westslope cutthroat trout, bighorn sheep, moose, and grizzly bears.
Cara Dudka
Cara Dudka addressed council regarding backyard chickens in residential areas. Ms. Dudka’s request was referred to staff to report back to council at the May 4 regular meeting.
OCP Bylaw Amendment
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1165, 2015, Amendment Bylaw No. 1286, 2021 was given third reading and adoption. This bylaw amendment applies the Form and Character Development Permit areas to all multi-family, industrial, and commercial lots.
Financial Plan & Tax Rates Bylaws
Financial Plan (2021-2025) Bylaw No. 1284, 2021 was given three readings. The Financial Plan sets out the objectives and policies of the municipality for 2021-2025 for each funding source, the distribution of property value taxes and the use of permissive tax exemptions. The plan also sets out the proposed expenditures by the municipality, funding sources and transfers between funds. Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1285, 2021 was given three readings. This bylaw sets out the rates for the 2021 property taxes. These bylaws will be considered for adoption at the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 4.
Sparwood Lions Club
Council approved sending a letter of support to the Sparwood Lions Club for their initiative to host a ‘block party’ to promote community spirit in the fall of 2021 following any Provincial Health Orders that may be in effect.
Council authorized issuance of a grant-in-aid to the Michel -Natal-Sparwood Heritage Society in an amount of $32,670 for 2021 and include the society under the Community Funding & Support Policy in 2022. The funds will be used to hire a full-time museum director position to oversee museum operations, keep the museum open through the year, apply for and oversee grant funding, develop new displays, and pursue sponsorships.
BC Hydro – Natal Substation
Council received notification from BC Hydro of a new substation build south of the existing substation on Michel Creek Road to increase the capacity and meet growth in electricity demand in the Elk Valley. It is anticipated that the project will commence in the spring of 2022 and be completed by the end of 2024.
Well 4
Council authorized a Termination Agreement to bring the Well 4 project with Teck to a close. As part of Condition 10 of the Baldy Ridge Expansion, Teck is responsible for the replacement of the District’s Well #3 due to elevated selenium levels in groundwater. Well #4 has been operational since March 2020.
The following meetings will take place in Council Chambers (136 Spruce Avenue).
- Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 4 at 6 p.m.
- Regular Meeting on Tuesday, May 18 at 6 p.m.
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District of Sparwood