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Sparwood Council Facts
The following is a summary of what occurred during the Sept. 6 District of Sparwood council meeting.
Teck Resources Office Building Update
Rory O’Connor and Michael Hick with Teck Resources met with council to provide updates on their office building planned for Middletown Crossing. Construction is expected to begin in 2023.
Council Remuneration Bylaw
Council gave three readings to the Bylaw at the Regular Council meeting. The bylaw will set the mayor and councillors remuneration for the 2022-2026 term.
Main Office and Day Care Roof Replacement
The Municipal Main Office and the Day Care, both on Spruce Avenue, have been approved to have the roofs replaced. Both buildings were deemed past repair and council approved the contract with Western Roofing Master Roofers Ltd for $260,500 plus GST, plus $6.75/sq.ft. for the replacement of damaged decking. Council also approved to amend the 2022 Capital Plan to these projects to a total of $331,000 with the additional $100,000 to be funded through the capital works reserve.
Appointment of Bylaw Enforcement Officer
The District of Sparwood is please to announce that Allison Strasser has been appointed by council as the new Bylaw Enforcement /Animal Control Officer (BLEO) beginning September 7. We look forward to her expertise to continue to maintain and build upon the service delivery standards that our current BLEO, Frank deBoon, has been providing. Mr. deBoon will be retiring this fall.
Assent Voting Questions
The following assent voting questions have now been approved for the 2022 General Election on Oct. 15:
- Are you in favour of Fire Hall#2 Loan Authorization Borrowing Bylaw No. 1298, 2022 to authorize the District of Sparwood to borrow up to $3 million, with interest, over a period not exceeding 30 years in order to finance the renovation and expansion of Fire Hall #2 located at 1391 Ponderosa Drive?
- Are you in favour of Multi-Purpose Facility Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1300, 2022 to authorize the District of Sparwood to borrow up to $15 million, with interest, over a period not exceeding 30 years in order to finance the construction of a new Multi-Purpose Facility?
Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, September 20 – Council Chambers (136 Spruce Avenue) at 6 p.m.
Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, October 4 – Council Chambers at 6 p.m.
Lead image: A drawing of Teck’s upcoming Middletown Crossing office building. Teck image
District of Sparwood