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Posted: December 9, 2022

Sparwood Council Facts

The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the Dec. 6 District of Sparwood council meeting.


BC Rural Health

Paul Adams and Colin Moss representing BC Rural Health addressed council on their network and membership information. The BC Rural Health Network was formed in 2017 and is a collective of health advocacy groups across rural B.C.  See the presentation.

Teck Resources 2022 Review

Rory O’Connor, Norm Fraser, and Katherine Gizikoff representing Teck Resources provided an annual review to council including advancements on key items including; the administrative office project, Fording River Extension project update, and Nature Positive by 2030 project.  See the presentation.


Cemetery Management Amendment Bylaw

Council gave three readings to the Cemetery Management Amendment Bylaw No. 1303, 2022. The bylaw amendment will provide a rate schedule for 2023.

Utility and Solid Waste Management Amendment Bylaw

The Utility and Solid Waste Management Amendment Bylaw was given three readings by council to remove the annual 10% discount in January 2023 in order to review the increased rates due to significant increase in CPI (consumer price index) and cost of rising labour and services. A full review of these user fees and charges will be conducted to provide the district with the appropriate cost recovery for services provided. The bylaw, rates, and discount will be brought back to council for further debate and consideration in the first quarter of 2023, in conjunction with the operating budget, and to be considered for implementation April 1, 2023.


Development Variance Permit 2022-004 Off Street Parking and Site Coverage Variance

The New to You Clothing Society has requested a development variance permit to decrease the number of off-street parking and increase site coverage. This would allow them to add a storage shed to replace the donation bin currently there. Council authorized staff to issue notice to the affected properties and approved the fee waiver as they are a non-profit organization.

Socio-Community and Economic Effects Committee Appointments

Council appointed Rose Sharma to the Socio-Community and Economic Effects Committee as a community stakeholder for a term of three years.


The following meetings will take place in Council Chambers (136 Spruce Avenue) at 6 p.m.

  • Regular Meeting on Tuesday, December 20
  • Regular Meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 – CANCELLED

District of Sparwood

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