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Sparwood Council Facts
The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the Feb. 21 District of Sparwood council meeting and Feb. 28 special meeting.
2023 Draft Operating Budget
At a special meeting of council Feb. 28, staff presented the 2023 Draft Operating Budget along with the timeline for public input during Committee-of-the-Whole. Staff responded to questions from council and were given direction to proceed as presented.
Elk Valley Regional Land Trust
Kevin LaRoche, representing Elk Valley Regional Land Trust, addressed Council seeking a letter of support for a petition they intend to file under section 22 of the Auditor General Act requesting that the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada amend the eligibility rules presently applicable to the distribution of the $58 million āTeck fine.ā The proposed amendment would extend funding to land conservancies that seek to acquire private forest lands within the Elk River watershed that have been or are threatened to be deforested.
East Kootenay Mining Industrial Safety Association
Luc Coultry appeared before Council to discuss the 100th Mine Rescue & First Aid Competition, that will be held in Sparwood on May 13. The East Kootenay Mining Industrial Safety Association will be requesting in-kind donations from the district at a future meeting.
Public Communication Protocol
During the Strategic Planning Session, council expressed the desire for staff to investigate community engagement protocols to reinforce and/or augment communication and engagement with residents.
Through discussion, the committee provided the following direction:
- Investigate best practices to engage seniors;
- Structured open house events;
- Stakeholder identification.
Staff brought forward the high school scholarships budget item to council to inquire if they wanted to make any changes to the process. Currently, Sparwood Secondary School awards the two $1,000 district scholarships to its students based on grades. Council has requested to split the scholarships into two pools: one for academic, and one for trades. Staff is currently investigating more details to be brought back to council regarding eligibility requirements to include all Sparwood resident graduates, not just those who attend Sparwood Secondary School.
Utility and Solid Waste Management Bylaw Amendment
This bylaw amendment was brought back for adoption. This is to increase the solid waste rate in the bylaw to recover the additional solid waste management contract cost. Effective April 1, 2023, there will be an annual increase of 18% per household.
Council Procedure Bylaw
Staff brought this bylaw to Committee-of- the-Whole on February 7, to identify gaps. Proposed changes of location of meetings and adding an Internal Reports section to Committee and Commission meetings were made and the first three readings were given at this meeting. The proposed changes will now be publicized for two weeks before brought back for adoption.
Project Heavy Duty
Project Heavy Duty has returned. The District of Sparwood along with the College of the Rockies, School District No. 5, WorkSafe BC, Teck Coal, and Finning, will be offering high school students a chance to learn about a variety of career paths one may choose after graduating from high school. The program consists of hands-on equipment training along with general safety training. Council has approved up to $5,000 of funding and in-kind support for the event in May.
Elk Valley Minor Hockey
Mayor David Wilks led a discussion regarding the request from Elk Valley Minor Hockey to cancel a public skating time to accommodate a tournament. This request was declined by council.
Green and Inclusive Community Building Grant
Council approved staff to proceed with the Green and Inclusive Community Building Grant application. The district is requesting $3,749,999.99 in grant money for upgrades to the leisure centre. The grant, if approved, requires the district to commit to 20% share of cost up to $750,000.
Training and Business Approval Policy
Council has approved the changes to this policy to allow for a staff member to join Mayor, council, and CAO at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and Union of BC Municipalities conferences.
Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 7 in Council Chambers (136 Spruce Avenue) at 6 p.m.
Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 21 in Council Chambers at 6 p.m.
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District of Sparwood