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Sparwood Council Facts
The following is a synopsis of what occurred during the March 19 District of Sparwood council meeting.
Sparwood Museum
Joanne Wilton, representing the MichelNatal-Sparwood Heritage Society, and Frank Hadfield, representing Dinosaur Valley Studios, addressed council on the significance of the dinosaur trackway discovery.
Council Procedure Bylaw
Council adopted the Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1327, 2024. Key changes of the bylaw were to add the Water Use Permit to align with hearing procedures and allow the Corporate Officer (in addition to the Chair) to determine if there is insufficient business to convene a meeting.
Development Variance Permit – 446 Willow Place
Council has authorized staff to issue notice to affected properties of 446 Willow Place of its intent to consider the development variance permit to vary the rear and side yard setbacks. An informal public hearing will be scheduled for a future date.
Community Funding and Support Request – Columbia Basin Family Resource Society
The Columbia Basin Family Resource Society (CBFRS) was approved for funding in the amount of $2,997.60 for the purchase of supplies and items needed to run programming and activities to support vulnerable Sparwood residents. The CBFRS is a long standing non-profit agency that provides services to vulnerable people throughout the Elk Valley, including 39 clients who reside in Sparwood.
Service Provider Insurance – Recreation Contract Instructors
Council approved providing liability insurance to recreation contractor instructors as this has been a recruitment barrier. Council approved the Director of Community Services to enter into these service provider agreements with individual recreation instructors.
2024-2028 Draft Financial Plan
The Director of Finance provided the 2024-2028 Draft Financial Plan report to the committee. No changes were requested so the finance department will complete the bylaw development. Details can be viewed on our website www.sparwood.ca, and will be on display at the Greenwood Mall until April 8. Residents of Sparwood are encouraged to attend one of the Open House events on March 26: Greenwood Mall from10 a.m. – noon or Council Chambers from 6 – 8 p.m.
Community Funding and Support Policy Review
Mayor David Wilks led the review discussion on the Community Funding and Support Policy. The committee provided staff direction to bring the policy back to include other requests deemed eligible by council. Three recently denied requests will be brought back to council for review.
Strategic Priorities Review
The committee also reviewed the Strategic Priorities. The Housing Strategy was removed from the top five NOW Council Priorities and replaced with the Multi-Purpose Facility. This project will be discussed further at a future meeting.
- Special Council Meeting: Parcel Tax Review Panel Tuesday, April 2 in Council Chambers (136 Spruce Avenue) at 5:45 p.m.
- Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, April 2 in Council Chambers at 6 p.m.
- Special Council Meeting: ReDi Grants Program Community Meeting Tuesday, April 9 in Council Chambers at 6 p.m.
- Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, April 16 in Council Chambers at 6 p.m.
e-KNOW file photos
District of Sparwood