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Sparwood Council Notes
DVP – Whiskey Jack Resort
Following a hearing to receive input from neighbouring residents District of Sparwood council Nov. 21 approved the Development Variance Permit to vary a section of the Subdivision Servicing Bylaw to change the requirements for a storm drainage system and to reduce the road radius on residential roads. This variance was requested by Whiskey Jack ULC for a portion of the phase two development.
Recognition of outgoing council members
Councillors Gayle Travis and Peter Templin were recognized and thanked by their peers for their service to the community. Councillor Templin served on council for four terms and Councillor Travis served three terms.
Mrs. Janice Collins approached council requesting a donation from the district for the Santa visit in Greenwood Mall in December.
Leisure Centre Energy Retrofit
Council supported a Community Recreation Program Grant Application to the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development’s Community Recreation Program for an energy retrofit of the Leisure Centre at an estimated cost of $570,000, with the district’s portion of the project being $170,000 to be funded from recreation reserves.
Age-Friendly Community Planning and Project Grant
Council supported an application to UBCM Seniors’ and Support Initiative 2012 Age-friendly Community Planning and Project Grant in the amount of $25,200 for the seniors program.
ALR Exclusion
The district received approval from the Agricultural Land Commission to exclude 1072 Highway 3 from the Agriculture Land Reserve. This parcel of land is located south of Sparwood and will allow for an expansion to Sparwood Drive.
BC Community Living Action Group
The District of Sparwood will send a letter to Premier Christy Clark and the Union of B.C. Municipalities encouraging the Provincial Government to maintain funding for adults with developmental disabilities, sufficient to both maintain current housing resources and to address growing waitlists.
Snow and ice
All residents of Sparwood are asked to be conscientious when the Public Works crews are removing snow from the municipal streets. Vehicles left on the streets make it very difficult for proper snow removal.
Business owners please keep your sidewalks free of snow and ice to ensure the safety of the public. Pedestrians please be extra careful when out walking as the cooler temperatures are causing slippery roads and sidewalks.
The following bylaws were all adopted:
– Zoning Bylaw No. 264, 1981, Amendment Bylaw 1069, 2011 (Rezoned 7000 Highway 3 [TransCanada Gas Plant] to M-3 Extraction Industrial)
– Official Community Plan Bylaw 869, 2002, Amendment Bylaw 1076, 2011 (Land use change from Commercial to Industrial at 6000 Highway 43)
– Zoning Bylaw 264, 1981, Amendment Bylaw 1075, 2011 (change zoning from Highway Commercial and Agricultural Land to Light Industrial at 6000 Highway 43)
– Utility and Solid Waste Management Bylaw 1014, Amendment Bylaw 1077, 2011 (set rates for 2012-2014)
– Deer Feeding and Wildlife Attractants Bylaw 1078, 2011 (expands the regulations concerning wildlife attractants for primarily deer, bear and cougar in our area)
– Financial Plan (2011-2015) bylaw 1067, 2011, Amendment Bylaw 1081, 2011 was given three readings.
CPR Holiday Train
The Canadian Pacific Railway Holiday Train will be arriving on December 11, at 3:15 p.m. at the Leisure Centre. More Canadians than ever are turning to food banks for support. Help make a difference in our community by bringing a cash or food donation to this year’s Holiday Train. This year the train features performances by Valdy, Tracey Brown and Brothers Dube.
Looking for fun and healthy stocking stuffers and gifts?
Give the gift of health and enjoyment! Gift certificates for a multitude of activities, programs, and passes are available, in any denomination, through the Sparwood Recreation Department. Call or visit the Recreation Centre for more information.
Many of our senior citizens and persons with disabilities find it difficult to remove the snow from their driveways in the wintertime. Please look around your neighbourhood and lend a helping hand to those who may not be able to clear their own driveways.
It’s the neighbourly thing to do and one of the things that make Sparwood such a great community in which to live.
At the end of the winter season the district accepts nominations from residents for their “Snow Buddy”, who will be recognized at a council meeting.
Upcoming Meetings (In Council Chambers)
– Monday, November 28, 2011 Committee of the Whole Meeting has been cancelled.
– Monday, December 5, 2011 Inaugural Meeting
– Monday, December 19, 2011 Regular Meeting
District of Sparwood