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Home » Sparwood SAR rescues two from Elk River

Posted: July 12, 2021

Sparwood SAR rescues two from Elk River

On Saturday, July 10, shortly around 4:30 p.m., Elk Valley RCMP was advised that two males were swept down the Elk River near the red walking bridge just off Matevic Road in Sparwood.

One male was swept away and carried down river for a short distance when his friend jumped in to help him. Unfortunately, that male too was caught in the current and both were swept close to a gravel bar where they were able to secure their safety.

Sparwood Search and Rescue (SAR) was immediately alerted and a swift water rescue team was deployed to the area.

Equipped with two river rafts, the team was able to effortlessly reach the gravel bar, outfit the males with safety equipment, and then transported them downstream to the second bridge.

“The males were not injured and very relieved to see the swift water team,” reported A/Cpl Debra Katerenchuk of Elk Valley RCMP.

Photos courtesy Elk Valley RCMP


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