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Posted: September 15, 2018

Voters have options in Sparwood election

District of Sparwood voters will be electing a much different council during the Oct. 20 municipal election.

Mayor Cal McDougall

Current Mayor Cal McDougall is not running for re-election and three residents are vying to be his replacement, including Joyce Kutzner, former mayor and Kootenay-Columbia MP David Wilks and Joanne Wilton.

There will also be room for at least three new faces on council as long-time council member and former mayor Lois Halko is not running for re-election, nor are current councillors Jenna Jensen and Margaret McKie.

Three incumbent councillors are seeking re-election: John Baher, Brad Bowen and Joe Jarina.

And voters have seven more options among candidates declared Sept. 14, including: Wendy Angus, Hungry Baytaluke, Amy Cardozo, Jason Christensen, Josh Frere, Art Mortimer, Sonny Saad and Simon Senycz.

Bev Bellina is acclaimed as School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay), Trustee Electoral for Area 2.


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