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Home » Ultrasound campaign wraps up in record time

Posted: October 7, 2020

Ultrasound campaign wraps up in record time

It was a call from a local business owner asking how much was left to raise to bring the ultrasound service to the Elk Valley.

When he was told there was $23,000, he said “No problem, round it up to $25,000. I will cut you a cheque today.”

This person wishes to remain anonymous and said he was just very happy to help make this a reality, East Kootenay Foundation for Health (EKFH) reported.

It has been stories similar to this that have made this campaign so successful, people wanting to give to make a difference.

The East Kootenay Foundation for Health kicked off the Beneath the Surface Campaign on August 12 hoping to raise the money in three to six months. The $300,000 was raised in 7.5 weeks.

The EKFH received donations from over 165 donors from as far away as Australia.

EKFH Executive Director Brenna Baker said, “We received so many calls and emails from folks from all over. Not just current residents of the Elk Valley but people who grew up in the Elk Valley, people who worked or owned businesses at one time in the Elk Valley, and people who recreate in the Elk Valley who wanted to give. We thought this would be a tough challenge because of COVID-19 but with the amazing generosity of individuals and businesses we were able to surpass our goal in record time. The board and staff at the EKFH are so appreciative of everyone who donated.”

The service is expected to be up and running by January 2021 depending on delivery of the equipment.

Currently residents of the Elk Valley have to travel to Cranbrook or Alberta to get an ultrasound done. This is not ideal as the waitlists are long and having to travel, especially during the winter, can cause unnecessary stress.

Ultrasound is performed on every type of patient, in every area of care. Whether you are a pregnant mother, an elderly person having breathing problems, or a child with abdomen pains, ultrasound can help diagnose and treat a patient.

More information on the Beneath the Surface Campaign can be found online at


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