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Accessible doors open at Civic Centre
The City of Kimberley has just completed work on new accessible doors at the Civic Centre.
With funding provided by Employment and Social Development Canada through their Enabling Accessibility Fund, city staff can assure those with varying ability levels that they are able to gain access to the walking track as well as all sporting and special events taking place at the Civic Centre.
Brett Clark, Manager of Operations – Parks and Facilities commented for the city, “We are excited to finally open our accessible doors to the public. We have been planning this change for a while now and it is great to finally see it done. We can’t wait to welcome city residents to come check out the new entrance and hope to see more and more people using the Civic Centre regularly.”
Walking Track users are encouraged to use the new doors by swiping their entrance card as before. Users with special needs are still required to swipe the card then press the automatic door button to gain access to the building.
The Walking Track is currently open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. until August 16 when normal 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. hours resume.
The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) provides funding for eligible capital projects that increase accessibility for people with disabilities in Canadian communities and workplaces, creating more opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in community activities, programs and services, or access employment opportunities. More information on this fund can be found here.
City of Kimberley