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Home » City of Kimberley CAO tenders resignation

Posted: November 8, 2023

City of Kimberley CAO tenders resignation

The City of Kimberley’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is leaving the position after more than 10 years of service.

Scott Sommerville has officially accepted the CAO position with a municipality on Vancouver Island and will leave his position with the city effective immediately.

Sommerville reflected on the change ahead stating, “I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have raised my family in Kimberley over the last 10 years. Now that my kids are off to university, I have accepted a CAO position on Vancouver Island to be closer to family. I will miss the residents who are proud to call Kimberley home, the committed council members, and the amazing team of city workers.”

He concluded, “It has been an honour and a privilege to serve you all.”

Chief Financial Officer Jim Hendricks.

During his tenure as CAO, Sommerville was committed to promoting sustainability and environmental initiatives including the implementation of the SunMine project. Sommerville also provided oversight to many important infrastructure enhancements including the Mark Creek Flume Project. His leadership and commitment to the community will leave a lasting impact.

Mayor Don McCormick expressed gratitude to Sommerville for his efforts as CAO. “Scott’s 10-year run as CAO in Kimberley is much longer than a typical CAO. Kimberley has undergone so many positive changes on his watch. We thank Scott for his commitment to Kimberley and wish him all the best in his new community.”

City Chief Financial Officer Jim Hendricks will step in as Deputy CAO.

The city will initiate a search for a new CAO immediately.

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City of Kimberley

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