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Final Aquatic Centre efficiency upgrades coming
After the successful installation of new boilers in September, final efficiency upgrades will take place at the Kimberley Aquatic Centre between January 8 and February 19, 2024.
The pool will be closed for the duration of the project.
During the closure, the pool filtration system will be replaced, and the heat exchange and water distribution systems will be upgraded. The closure will also permit crews to complete repairs on leaks discovered in the leisure pool earlier in the fall. Once reopened, the facility will be fully operational, with all amenities open and ready for use.
Once again, administrative staff will be available during the closure to support registration for late February – June 2024 programming. Lesson sets are now posted online and registration opens on January 10.
Pool schedules will be published as soon as they are available. Those holding family or individual passes will have them extended. Please get in touch with staff if you are in this situation.
Residents are again encouraged to check the city’s website and social media accounts for project updates and information on upcoming schedules and program registration times. If you have any questions, please contact the Aquatic Centre at 250-427-2983 or email [email protected].
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City of Kimberley