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Home » Kimberley Alpine Resort on track for usual start to season

Posted: November 5, 2022

Kimberley Alpine Resort on track for usual start to season

Kimberley Alpine Resort’s (KAR) 2022/2023 season should begin on schedule as work on the North Star Quad Chair continues.

“The team has been making great progress, and the timeline for opening the chair and starting the ski season is still within range of the normal opening day for Kimberley Alpine Resort as it is expected to be within the third week of December,” said KAR ski area manager Ted Funston noted in a social media update.

“Very recently the lift manufacturer ran into some challenges and required additional electronic components to complete the repair. The good news is that these parts have been secured and are on their way with what we are told is a firm delivery date later this month. The installation crews are scheduled to be back on site within hours of these parts arriving and will resume their work to complete the repair and commission the chair,” Funston related.

“The lift manufacturer has reaffirmed that they understand the critical importance of the North Star Quad Chair to the operation of the resort, and the importance of it for the economy and the well-being of the whole community.

“There is no question that they are prioritizing our lift within their work schedules and parts assignments, and that they are committed to getting us up and running for this ski season, which we greatly appreciate,” he said, adding, “There is a lot of excitement and optimism within our team for the upcoming ski season and we are in full preparation mode to get the resort ready for opening!

“Our snowmaking crews are trained up and ready to start making snow, which we expect to start this Saturday night due to the dropping temperatures. (For your safety please do not approach or get close to our snowmaking equipment or work crews.)”

Kimberley Alpine Resort is hosting a job fair Thursday night (Nov. 10) in the Stemwinder.

Kimberley Alpine Resort photo


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