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Kimberley council awards city works projects
By Nowell Berg
On June 24, City of Kimberley council held its regular bi-monthly meeting.
Councillors Sue Cairns, Kevin Dunnebacke, Woody Maguire, Jason McBain and Sandra Roberts were present along with Mayor Don McCormick.
An archive of the meeting can be found on the City of Kimberley YouTube channel. Watch it here.
More Contracts Awarded
Council passed a motion to award the 2024 sanitary sewer lining contract to Mar-Tech Underground Services. The project is budgeted at just over $310,000, which is $211,869 under the original budget allocation. The project focuses on McKim Trail and Overwaite Hill trunk lining.
The Knighton Road reconstruction project was awarded to Mackay Contracting. It’s budgeted at just over $1.34 million.
The Kimberley Cemetery (pictured above) and road rehabilitation project contract went to BA Blacktop. The contract amount is $462,323, which is $117,529 lower than originally budgeted.
The city did not release any details as to when these projects will begin and their completion dates. Information on any local traffic or local resident disruptions were not provided.
Kimberley city council assembles twice monthly starting at 7 p.m. The next regular council meeting: July 22. This is the only meeting in July.
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