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Kimberley council highlights
Here are the highlights from City of Kimberley council’s Monday, May 11 meeting.
Council gave first and second reading to a zoning amendment bylaw for a property located at 49 Deer Park Ave. Council also set June 1 at 7 p.m. as the date for a Public Hearing regarding the property. Council will hear both written and oral submissions at this meeting. Details on how to participate will be provided soon.
The 2020-2024 Five Year Financial Plan has been adopted.
The 2020 Tax Rates Bylaw was adopted which sets the rates for Municipal, Regional District and Hospital purposes. In an effort to provide some relief to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the bylaw results in a 0% increase over 2019 municipal tax collections and it also splits the 10% late payment penalty for residential and utility class properties such that five per cent will be applied on July 3 and the remaining five per cent will be applied on September 2.
Council adopted the City of Kimberley Parcel Tax Imposition Bylaw that reduces the Aquatic Centre Parcel Tax to $195.91 from the 2019 levy of $198.36, representing a $2.45 reduction for taxpayers in 2020.
The 2019 Consolidated Financial Statements were accepted and approved.
The 2020-2021 Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program funding recommendations were received for information.
Council accepted the 2020 Animal Control and Bylaw Enforcement Reports for information.
City of Kimberley