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Home » Lion’s Bridge to temporarily close for repairs

Posted: September 22, 2023

Lion’s Bridge to temporarily close for repairs

The City of Kimberley Operations Department announces the temporary closure of Lion’s Bridge for essential repairs.

This bridge is located on the Lions Trail that runs along Mark Creek connecting Marysville to Kimberley. The closure is scheduled to begin on September 25 and is expected to last approximately three weeks.

During the closure period, alternative routes and detour signs will be in place on all entrances of the Lion’s Trail to guide trail users. We kindly ask all pedestrians and trail users to respect posted signage and detour routes and to exercise caution when traveling in the area.

The work being conducted will ensure the safety of users and the longevity of the infrastructure. These repairs are a crucial part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining the city’s infrastructure.

We recognize that this temporary closure may cause some inconvenience. We thank you for your patience as we complete these works.

For the latest updates on this and other city projects, please visit our website at or monitor our social media accounts. Questions and concerns can be directed to the Operations department at [email protected] or by calling 250-427-9660.

City of Kimberley

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