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Notes from City Hall
Oath of Office Ceremony and Inaugural Meeting of Council
The inaugural meeting of the new City of Kimberley council will be held in Ballroom A at the Kimberley Conference and Athlete Training Centre on Monday, November 5, beginning at 7 p.m. sharp. This meeting is open to the public, so please arrive early to ensure seating.
Remembrance Day
City Hall and the Works Yard will be closed on Monday, November 12. The Aquatic Centre will be open for public swim from 1 – 4 p.m.
November 11 Commercial Garbage Schedule Change
Commercial garbage that would normally be picked up on Monday, November 12 will be picked up on Tuesday, November 13.
Kimberley and Marysville Water Line Flushing
In order to ensure safe drinking water and maintain the Water Distribution System, the city annually flushes water lines in the community using city fire hydrants. The city will be flushing hydrants throughout the community beginning in Townsite (Lois Creek area) and moving systematically through the city from north to south. This program started the first week of October and should be completed by the end of next week.
Residents may notice discolouration in the water during this process. Please note that this is not a public health concern. The city monitors the quality of the water during this process. Flushing and maintenance operations will be underway during the next several weeks. In the event that cloudy water is experienced, turn on an outside tap (preferred) or your bathtub faucet and run until the water clears up. For further information, please contact the Operations & Environment Services Department at 250-427-9660.
Catch Basins
As the cold weather approaches, the city is asking for the public’s support by helping keep leaves and debris off the catch basins. Please report any blocked catch basins to the Operations Department at 250-427-9660 or [email protected].
Wildfire Fuels Management Projects Underway
The City of Kimberley Wildfire Fuels Management program currently has seven projects underway in the Nature Park, Nordic Park and Forest Crowne area. Crews are reducing tress density, chipping, and burning piles in these areas so please pay attention any signage and notices that may be posted. Small amounts of smoke will be visible for the next couple of months. If you have any questions, please contact the Fire Department weekdays at 250-427-4114 or email at [email protected]
Wood Burning Appliances
For those using wood burning appliances to heat their homes this fall and winter, the city asks that you familiarize yourself with our Wood Burning Appliance Emissions Control Bylaw. Please visit our website for more information.
It is that time of year again! City of Kimberley Public Skating (which includes Public Skating, Parent & Tot, Senior Skating and Shinny Hockey) at the Marysville Arena begin on Tuesday, October 30. To view the new Public Skating Schedule and to keep up to date on any changes &/or cancellations to the Public Skating schedule please visit our website. If you have any questions, please call the Operations Desk at 250-427-9660.
Outdoor Rinks
The City of Kimberley is offering interested residents and neighbourhood volunteers the opportunity to enjoy a community/neighbourhood outdoor ice rink. Neighbourhood volunteers will flood and maintain the outdoor rinks. The rinks will be set up at Swan Avenue and/or Garden Park. Volunteer/resident commitment is an essential requirement to establish and maintain these neighbourhood rinks. Deadline for volunteer/resident commitment submissions is Tuesday, November 13 at 12 p.m. For more information on the neighbourhood rink program, please contact the Operations, Parks and Facilities Department at 250-427-9660.
Planning for the Future
Kimberley’s Official Community Plan (OCP) establishes objectives and policies to guide local decisions on land use, infrastructure, environment, community facilities, transportation, social and economic issues. Adopted in February 2018, the OCP sets a high-level policy framework to guide local government decisions toward the community’s desired vision for the future and to ensure that Kimberley continues as “a good place to be.” Find out more.
Free Public Swim
Come to the Aquatic Centre and enjoy a Free Public Swim on Wednesday, November 7 from 5 to 6 p.m. sponsored by Chalet GM.
City of Kimberley