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Notes from City Hall
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all City of Kimberley staff. Have a safe and happy holiday season.
Holiday Schedule
Tuesday, December 25, Wednesday, December 26, and Tuesday, January 1 are statutory holidays for city employees. The Aquatic Centre will be closed on December 25, remaining open through the holidays with special hours.
To view the full schedule, please visit our website at www.kimberley.ca, and follow the link to Aquatic Centre info.
Garbage pick-up for Tuesday, December 25 will be picked up on Monday, December 24, pick-up for December 26 will be picked up on Friday, December 28, and pick-up on Tuesday, January 1 will be picked up on Monday, December 31.
The Regional District of East Kootenay Transfer Station located at 800 Jim Ogilvie Way is the designated area for disposal of Christmas trees. All residents are encouraged to have their discarded Christmas trees delivered to this area. City trucks will make one pass through each neighbourhood the week of January 14 – 18, to pick up any remaining trees (dependent upon weather events). If you are unable to dispose of your own tree, please leave it at your garbage collection location in a manner that will not conflict with snow removal equipment.
2019 Dog Licenses
A common phrase heard at City Hall is “Why should I license my dog? My dog never gets out of the yard!” You would be surprised at the different ways a dog can end up running at large, and this can cost you a pocket full of cash. When dealing with dogs at large, the goal of the Animal Control Officer is to reduce the amount of stress experienced when a dog is impounded. If your dog is licensed you will receive a phone call, your dog will not need to be transferred to the Cranbrook BCSPCA, and your faithful pal can be returned home. The welfare of your dog is of utmost importance to us, and avoiding a trip to the pound is the best thing for your pet.
2019 dog licenses are now on sale at City Hall. The cost for a spayed or neutered dog license is $23 and $57.50 for an unaltered dog license. The fines for an unlicensed dog are as follows: $100 for the first offence, and $200 for each subsequent offence. Please help our Animal Control Officer make sure your pet gets home without a trip to the SPCA, and license your dog today.
2019 Business Licences
The city kindly requests that Business Licences be renewed and paid for before January 31. Application forms for new businesses are available at City Hall or on the city’s web site. With our Inter-Community Business Licenses, Mobile businesses can operate in Kimberley and Cranbrook without having to apply for businesses licences from both municipalities. For more information on fees and who can apply, please view the full bylaw on our website.
If you no longer require your Dog Licence or Business Licence, or need to update your contact information for these, please contact City Hall at 250-427-5311.
2019 Utility Rate Adjustments
City council is committed to maintaining and upgrading Kimberley’s aging water and sewer system infrastructure as well as our garbage collection equipment. To fund planned utility infrastructure renewal and budgeted operating cost adjustments, effective January 1, 2019 Utility Rates for residential properties will increase by a total of $2.17 per month ($26.04 per year). This adjustment relates entirely to an increase to Sewer rates with the bulk of the additional revenue collected being directed to helping fund the future construction of a new waste water treatment facility to replace the existing plant. The flat rates for Water and Garbage will remain at 2018 levels. The new aggregate rate for Water, Sewer, and Garbage Collection for residential properties in 2019 will be $73.90 per month ($886.80 per year). This amount will be billed in equal quarterly instalments of $221.70. Sewer flat rates for commercial and all other classifications of use will be adjusted by the same percentage increase as the residential rate.
Winter Parking Regulations Around Kimberley Alpine Resort and Nordic Club
Snow sport enthusiasts are reminded that parking is restricted on North Star Drive, Stemwinder Drive and in the vicinity of the bridge on Gerry Sorensen Way. Parking within five metres (15 feet) on either side of a fire hydrant is prohibited as well. These parking regulations were put in place for fire safety and to ensure access for emergency vehicles. Vehicles parked in contravention of the posted parking regulations will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense in the tow away zones. Vehicles blocking access to a fire hydrant will also be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
Free Family Swim
Come to the Aquatic Centre and enjoy a Free Family Swim on Wednesday, December 27 from 6 to 7 pm sponsored by Hailey Farquhar – USW 1-405. Remember persons 18 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult in the water.
City of Kimberley