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Posted: March 31, 2017

Volunteers sought for Sparwood cleanup

The District of Sparwood is challenging local clubs, workplaces, and families to come out on Earth Day for our fourth annual Sparwood Community Cleanup to help clean up the garbage that has accumulated throughout the winter.

This event is consistent with council’s Corporate Strategic Plan to “encourage an active, involved and healthy community.”

Our goal is to instil pride in the beauty of our community by demonstrating our leadership in preserving the environment. By picking up garbage and litter we will become more aware of what’s being thrown away, what could have been recycled, and gain a better understanding of the consequences littering has on the community.

Last year we had almost 80 volunteers participate throughout the week, plus the local schools, and we’re hoping to increase that number this year!

Sparwood’s big community cleanup will be held on Earth Day (April 22) from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. People are encouraged to participate anytime in the week prior or following the event.

On Earth Day, a staging area will be set up in the Greenwood Mall parking lot, located on Aspen Drive near the post office, where volunteers will be supplied with garbage bags, gloves, kids scavenger hunt, and high-visibility vests (if desired). Door prizes will be drawn at the end of the event! After the cleanup, participants can head over to the ‘Taste of Sparwood’ event at the Greenwood Mall for some tasty snacks!

The first 20 volunteers to sign up will get a FREE Sparwood water bottle. For more information or to register, please contact Jessica Wheeler, Planning Assistant, at 250-425-6829 or email [email protected].

All community groups, businesses and individuals are encouraged to participate and show their civic pride!

Lead image: Joy Global’s team from the 2016 clean-up. Photo submitted

District of Sparwood

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