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Home » A perfect weekend for KFC

Posted: March 18, 2013

A perfect weekend for KFC

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Young skiers from throughout the East Kootenay and Calgary were treated to a weekend of perfect weather at Panorama Mountain Village the weekend of March 9/10 for the Kootenay Freestyle Classic (KFC).

The KFC is a two-day event where athletes showcased their skills in the terrain park on Saturday in the Slopestyle event. The Slopestyle incorporates a combination of boxes, rails and big air jumps – competitors are judged on the combination of all features.

Another perfect bluebird day was the backdrop for the Mogul competition held on the PMFC Mogul Course on Tacky. Competitors are judged on their fluidity, speed and tricks off of two jumps on the 210 metre long course.

The KFC is an annual event hosted by the Panorama Mountain Freeride Club and showcases skiers from seven to 18 years of age. Aside from the skiing competition the athletes also participated in the Booster Juice “Gangnam Style” dance off on the Great Hall Deck.

“The KFC is really an opportunity to bask in the sunshine in a celebration of skiing and mountain culture in our mountain playground! Although scores were tabulated and medals were handed out, everyone who participated went home a winner this weekend” said Dave McGrath, PMFC Program Director and event organizer.

McGrath would also like to thank all the sponsors, volunteers, organizers, BC Freestyle and Panorama Mountain Village for making this event a huge success!

Photos courtesy Dave McGrath


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