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April 18, 2013
CVCS Bike Swap this Sunday
Come on down to the Invermere Community Hall on Sunday, April 21 to get a great deal on a bike or sell some of your unneeded cycling gear at the Columbia Valley Cycling Society’s (CVCS) Bike Swap.
As a fundraiser the CVCS keeps a percentage of the sale: $0 up to $400, 20%; $401 up to $1,000, 15%; $1001 and up, 10%. A $1 flat fee will be charged to enter items into the sale.
The swap/sale begins with a 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. drop your stuff off; 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. come and buy gear; 1 p.m. sharp, come and get your cheque or unsold gear.
Last year several dozen bikes were sold. Come and check it out.
Columbia Valley Cycling Society