Kootenay-Columbia Green Party candidate Bill Green was in Portland, Oregon last week receiving a prestigious conservation award from the American Fisheries Society. Green accepted the…
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Registration deadline nears for Basin Culture Tour
A call for entry: registration closes Monday, April 13 for artists/venues in the Columbia Basin to participate in the seventh annual Columbia Basin Culture Tour…
Call for nominations: CKCA steering committee
The Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA) invites members of the arts, culture and heritage community in the Columbia Basin to join its volunteer Steering Committee….
Ktunaxa Nation disappointed with Treaty process lawsuit
The Ktunaxa Nation is disappointed with the recent filing of a lawsuit on behalf of the Okanagan Nation Alliance challenging an Incremental Treaty Agreement reached…
Call for entry: for artists and heritage venues
Columbia Basin Culture Tour – August 9-10 – a project of the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance Registrations are being accepted for artists/venues in the Columbia Basin…
CKCA welcoming Steering Committee members
The Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA) invites members of the arts, culture and heritage community in the Columbia Basin to join its volunteer Steering Committee….
Call for Entry for Columbia Basin Culture Tour
Registrations are being accepted for artists/venues in the Columbia Basin to participate in the Columbia Basin Culture Tour (CBCT). Trains Deluxe – The Canadian Museum…
CKCA seeks members for Steering Committee
The Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA) invites members of the arts, culture and heritage community in the Columbia Basin to join its volunteer Steering Committee….