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3 facts you need to know

About a new life for Elkview Mine By Bill Bennett Kootenay East MLA 1. Elkview Mine needs access to new coal to keep the mine…

Ktunaxa and Teck sign historic agreement

The Ktunaxa Nation Council and Teck Resources Limited (Teck) yesterday announced the signing of an Impact Management and Benefits Agreement that will create numerous long-term…

Teck moving toward mine expansions

Teck Coal Ltd. wants to expand two of its Elk Valley mines. Lucy Eykamp, Teckā€™s social, environmental and regulatory approvals manager, outlined details of Teckā€™s…

Elkview Mine honoured by MAC

Award recognizes facility-level excellence in corporate responsibility For its outstanding performance in the ā€˜Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM)ā€™ initiativeā€™s three focus areasā€”environmental footprint, communities and people,…

Bingay project suspended due to poor market

The Board of Directors of Centermount Coal Ltd. announced April 8 a suspension of theĀ exploration and development program at Centermountā€™s Bingay Main metallurgical coal project….