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Posted: May 31, 2013

Just in time!

LHBlack Bear crossing Road

Drive with caution when traveling through Kootenay National Park. This time of year bears are attracted to roadside dandelions.

About 75% of a black bear’s diet is vegetation. Their veggies vary through out the season as the nutritional value of the plants change. This time of year bears actively hunt for the succulent new spring growth of glacier lilies, sedges, aspen catkins and dandelions. Later on they’ll switch to plants like cow parsnip and horsetails, followed by berries. So bears move around in response to the seasonal availability of food.

Learn more from Parks Canada:

Parks Canada’s Bear Up DateBear Roadside Dining

Top photo: What makes it bad for drivers and bears is when an unseen bear jumps the guardrail onto the highway 
 Photos by Larry Halverson

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