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Posted: May 26, 2013

Is that a Lego house?

mennodueckConstruction Questions

By Menno Dueck

Are you ready to step up and publicly admit that you not only played with Lego as a kid, but still dream about building a real Lego house?

Rafi had that dream and he decided to see it through. He had many discussions with his builder about using ICF (insulating concrete forms) instead of traditional building practices of pouring a concrete basement, stick framing the structure and insulating with bat insulation.

ICF are interlocking modular units that are dry-stacked and then filled with concrete (rebar reinforcement added as you stack), locking together like Lego bricks and forming the structural walls of a building. The step of insulating the walls is gone as the products the modular units are made of provide the insulating factor. With all the ceiling pot lights in his house, a source of significant heat loss, Rafi agreed with his contractor to use foam spray insulation in the attic.

An avid reader and researcher, Rafi was well aware of the energy efficiency and consequent energy savings of ICF construction over traditional. He also knew the neighbourhood would be real happy with the sound absorption; Rafi and the Rascals would soon have the perfect studio for their all-night Friday jam sessions (he was the drummer).

The human “crows” gather every day on the sidewalk to watch the progress of Rafi’s house and nod to each other at how quickly and efficiently his house is built. Four months start to finish and Rafi moves in. In the same neighbourhood, a traditionally built home of comparable size was still under construction and the newly educated “crows” just shook their heads and agreed that none of them would go back to the “old ways.”

On the practical side, Rafi seldom turns his furnace on over the winter as his gas fireplace, in the open concept main floor, is enough to keep his home toasty warm (saving even more than he thought). The thick walls also keep the hot days of summer out and create deep window wells, giving the house a comfortable, country feel. Savings have been made on the home insurance premiums, too, as the mainly concrete structure has improved fire rating. When asked what he likes best about his Lego house, Rafi replies “watching it grow block by block” just like I did as a kid.

(Based on a true story, names changed.)

Submitted by: Menno Dueck, Ask Menno Construction Consulting, Dueck Enterprises Inc.


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