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Posted: July 29, 2022

Obituary of Karl Ernst Schultze


JANUARY 21, 1928 – JULY 19, 2022

Karl, was an only child born in Gera, Germany.  Due to his father’s career, they moved frequently throughout Germany . At the age of 5, his mother passed away but his father’s 2nd wife became his 2nd mother whom he adored.

As a minor he witnessed the horrors of war but was spared having to serve on the front lines due to his age. After the war he worked hard and completed his education earning several diplomas in agriculture. Job prospects in post war Germany were poor so at the age of 24, armed with his education and the hope of a brighter future, he emigrated to Canada, arriving at Pier 21 in 1952.

Pursuing his dream of one day owning his own farm, he worked his way westward, eventually ending up in the East Kootenays. Karl took a job at the local sawmill (Silver Ridge Sawmill), and eventually placed an ad in a German newspaper for a bride. He soon began a correspondence with Hilde from Germany and after keeping the postal service busy with weekly letters for a year and half, they decided to take the leap and Hilde bravely crossed the Atlantic and journeyed east across Canada by train.  They were married within 3 weeks of her arrival in  September of 1954. The Kootenays were officially home! Their family began with Margaret  followed quickly by George, Susanne, Michael and Christopher.  He eventually sponsored other family members to live in Canada including Hilde’s parents Hans and Mimi Westphal, her sister Dorothy and cousins Paul Lohmann and Ilse Funk.

In 1958 Karl realized his dream and purchased a dairy farm on what was then the outskirts of Cranbrook. Always cash poor and with a strong back he took on outside work such as operating a Christmas tree lot and doing yard work to cover extra expenses such as dentist bills for his family. In 1967,  Karl took over management of the Cranbrook District Farmers Co-op but eventually decided that serving customers and juggling the operation of the farm wasn’t where his heart was.  He retired from the Co-op, eventually sold the dairy farm and purchased a ranch at TaTa Creek. In 1969 the Schultze family moved to the ranch, suitably renamed Green Acres where he operated as a cow/calf operation, initially featuring Charolais and then Simmental breeds. To make ends meet Karl also worked at the Crestbrook Pulpmill, started a nursery where he grew ornamental shrubs and finally a commercial asparagus operation.

In 1988, his beloved wife Hilde passed away. He remarried  soon after,  sold his ranch in 1992 and moved to Cranbrook  where he  enjoyed his retirement years doing many  activities such as barbershop singing, camping, fishing, playing cards, reading and staying in contact with friends and family. Karl was an asset to his community, actively participating in public committees and organizations including the German Canadian Club. One of his personal favorites was taking part in the development of Idlewild Park, the original water source for his Dairy farm operation.

Karl had a strong work ethic and was true to his word. He was respected by his peers and loved by his children. He made lasting acquaintances throughout his life from the early years in Germany, to people he met upon his arrival and those he worked with.  His final years were spent happily at Garden View Village in Kimberley, close to Susanne.  He always had a ready smile and greeting for others and took pride in remembering people’s names right to the end.

He will be missed particularly by his five children, Margaret (Gary) Chanin , George (Sharon), Susanne (Derm) Kennedy, Mike (one-eyed Jack the dog) , Chris (Tina), six grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren.

Karl  passed peacefully with a smile on his face, surrounded by his loving children.  He has requested no funeral. If people are inclined, donations in his memory may be directed to Doctors Without Borders.

Special thanks are extended by him and his family to the staff and management of Garden View Village and his most recent doctors Dr. Buchar, Dr. Buddo and Dr. McIvor for their care and support.

He says  “Thank you Canada” for enabling him to live a life fulfilled.

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