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Radium Feastival – A Village Christmas Dinner
A Village Christmas Dinner
Twas a few months before Christmas,
And all through the Village
Not a snowflake had fallen,
Not a Yuletide been given.
Where will the visitors and residents eat on Christmas some said,
While visions of turkey dinner danced in their head;
And the Mayor of Radium and The Crystal Springs with pens in their laps,
Sat down together with their brainstorming caps.
When out from a few glasses of wine and some holiday chatter,
Radium Feastival sprang to make the holidays gladder.
Away to their businesses they flew like a flash,
To talk to their friends and make this a bash.
Visitors and residents with their eyes all a glow,
Let the planners know this Feastival was a definite go.
So what to the community’s eyes should appear,
But a holiday feast on Christmas this year.
So join us for dinner that will be lively and not quick,
Celebrate and make merry on the 25th with St Nick.
More rapid than eagles the Christmas holiday shall come,
And to some of our supporters we thank one by one.
Thank you Casavino! Thank you Crystal Springs, LaCabina and Sue!
Meet on Higher Ground, Big Horn Motel and The Park Inn too!
With wishes from The Village of Radium and Tourism Radium Hot Springs,
Thank you to all, for all of the work that you do!
And thank you to Everyone!
For your support, donations, time and cheer!
Now dash away! Dash away! Have a Happy New Year!
The Feastival beings at 5 p.m. on Dec. 25 and runs until 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend at La Cabina Restaurant (Prestige Inn). Children under five eat for free. All profits go to local charities.
We would like to wish our members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Radium Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Radium, Board of Directors, and staff.