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Posted: May 9, 2022

MLA Shypitka presses NDP on Coroners Service Death Panel

Kootenay East MLA Tom Shypitka, Official Opposition Critic for Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, today called upon the NDP government to accept the recommendations of the BC Coroners Service Death Panel.

Shypitka spoke in the Legislature about the deadly upwards trend of drug toxicity deaths and the government’s refusal to accept recommendations that provide a road map to address this crisis.

“British Columbia is in a worse position than it has ever been before,” he said.

“I think it goes without saying that this crisis touches every one of us. Victims are our sons, our daughters, our sisters and our brothers. It is incomprehensible that years into this public health emergency, people experiencing a mental health or addiction crisis continue to suffer.”

Shypitka highlighted how there is a clear provincial strategy outlined in the report that provides actionable recommendations that can reduce the number of people dying due to illicit drugs in our province.

He also argued that the refusal to accept the report’s timeline and its 23 recommendations speaks to the government’s lack of urgency to respond to the overdose crisis.

Watch MLA Shypitka’s full address to the Legislature.



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