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New Kimberley rural fire protection service proposed
Eligible electors in portions of Electoral Area C and E will be voting on new Kimberley Rural Fire Protection Service next month.
“We have had numerous requests from property owners to establish rural fire protection, to include properties in the Wycliffe and St. Mary Lake Road areas. It has been a board strategic priority for many years and we now have the details of what a proposed fire protection service would look like and will be taking it out to electors,” explained Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board Chair and Area C Director Rob Gay.
“Ahead of the vote, there will be a Public Information Meeting to help provide residents with the details of the proposed service and with an opportunity to ask questions.”
The Public Information Meeting will be held on October 1 at 7 p.m. at Centennial Hall in Kimberley. There will be presentations from staff on different aspects of the proposed service, including the service itself, costs and taxation, and the elector assent process. There will also be an opportunity for questions following the presentations.
“We want to ensure everyone within the proposed service area has the information they need to make an informed decision when they vote. We hope to see a good turnout to the information meeting and there will be several other ways for residents to get the information they need if they are unable to attend,” said RDEK Electoral Area E Director Jane Walter.
In addition to the Information Meeting, an information package is being mailed to all property owners within the proposed service area and a project page, which will be the hub of information on the proposed service, has been set up on https://engage.rdek.bc.ca/kimberleyruralfire
The proposed Kimberley Rural Fire Protection Service would be provided by the City of Kimberley to properties within a portion of the St. Mary Lake Road (pictured) and Wycliffe areas that are 13 km from the fire hall.
The General Assent Vote will be held on October 26, with an advance voting opportunity on October 16. To learn more, visit https://engage.rdek.bc.ca/kimberleyruralfire .
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