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Home » Roadwork underway in region: Mainroad

Posted: August 21, 2018

Roadwork underway in region: Mainroad

In the coming days, Mainroad Operations will commence minor paving and/or asphalt overlay patching in the East Kootenay.

Work will commence in late August and continue into early September. During this timeline, Mainroad Operations aims to keep disturbance to local businesses and residents to a minimum.

Access to all businesses will remain open, although some detours to normal routes may be necessary to ensure safety of our workers. Please watch for work zones and obey ORANGE construction signage.

Duration of work at each site will be ‘short-duration’ work, meaning less than one shift at a time. Work will be conducted by Mainroad road crews, as well as subcontracted paving crews which

Mainroad Operations will oversee. No excessive noise or bright lights overnight will occur. Work is scheduled during week days while some work may be held on weekends.

The areas scheduled for paving/patching have been prioritized based on the present road condition, average daily vehicle volume, and in consultation with staff at the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.  If you have any questions about the paving program that remain unaddressed, please call Mainroad’s 24-hour hotline 1-800-665-4929 where your call, feedback and observations will be passed onto Mainroad Operations.

Finally, please remember your responsibility as a driver to obey traffic control persons, and to “Slow Down and Move Over” for all roadside workers.  These laws are in place to help ensure the safety of your passengers as well as our crews.

Thank you for your patience while this important work is ongoing.

Mainroad East Kootenay Contracting

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